Results of the 2024 Membership Survey

We launched our Your Union Your Voice eff­orts nearly five years ago to hear about the issues that matter most to our members.

Since then, we’ve gotten nearly 15,000 survey responses, including more than 5,000 this year alone.

Across the three rounds of surveys, our members’ priorities remained largely consistent. They told us that they value retirement security, affordable health care and prescription drugs, and labor laws that support our ability to form unions and negotiate strong contracts.

This year was no different.

These three issues were again flagged as the most important, followed by trade agreements and laws that protect U.S. workers, a strong and growing U.S. manufacturing sector, and robust workplace safety and health protections.

Town Hall Meetings

We also held more than 100 town hall meetings this year so that we could continue hearing from USW members and discuss major wins for workers on retirement security, manufacturing job growth, workers’ rights and more.

These meetings took place in every U.S.-based USW district, all across the country, with some even taking place online.

At these meetings, USW members again reiterated their desire to advance the union’s core issues, namely secure retirements, fair trade, job security, affordable health care and safe work environments.

The direct member feedback we received through these meetings and survey responses helped shape our work this year and will continue to shape our priorities moving forward.