VP Kamala Harris' Top Ten Victories for Workers

1. Vice President Kamala Harris serves as a crucial part of the most pro-labor administration of our lifetimes, which breathed new life into domestic manufacturing and established the nation’s first industrial policy in decades. 

2. Vice President Harris is a strong friend to our union, attending meetings and forums to hear from USW members and speaking at our 2022 International Convention.

3. She took charge of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, breaking down barriers for workers forming unions.

4. As president of the U.S. Senate, Harris cast critical tie-breaking votes, including advancing the American Rescue Plan of 2021, which saved the pensions of 120,000 active and retired USW members.

5. As a U.S. Senator, she championed working people and supported vital legislation, including the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

6. Vice President Harris is a staunch advocate for safer workplaces for workers.

7. She fought for legislation to address workplace violence in health care and social service settings.

8. Vice President Harris walked the picket line with striking UAW workers.

9. She fought for labor protections and fair wages for agricultural and domestic workers.

10. As California's Attorney General, she cracked down on corporate creed, took on the big banks, and defended vulnerable workers against wage theft